These broken pieces of glass symbolize the breaking down of human nature by today’s society.
The Golden Gangue
The Golden Cangue shows that people become slaves to money and lose themselves in this pursuit.
The First Brazier
The First Brazier shows what power has done to humanity. No matter how powerful someone may seem, they can always fall. The red color on it not only shows the color of fire on brazier when it burns, but it is also the color of blood.
Love in a Fallen City
The spiky glass in Love in a Fallen City symbolizes people who are hardened and embittered thanks to society’s pressures. The glass thorns are people’s defense mechanisms that keep love at bay. I hope to never become that way.
The mixture of these three photographs samples what people pursue most in this world, including wealth, power and love. Under the giant temptation of such a mixture, people often lose themselves. I often wonder if this world is just a farce, a trick being played on us but some larger power, watching us fall time and time again over such frivolous pursuits, and laughing as we fall.